Welcome to MESA

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The Mathematics, Engineering, Science, Achievement (MESA) Program empowers underrepresented students by providing them a community that supports their pathways to higher education in STEM, through mentorships, academic programs, and interactive workshops. At Tacoma Community College, MESA is a welcoming space where diverse science, engineering, and math (SEM) students can build community, have access to educational and community support , and create innovative solutions as they become the next leaders in STEM!

Our goal is for students to excel academically at TCC and transfer successfully to a 4-year institution to earn their bachelor’s degree in STEM or go directly into the STEM workforce. Ultimately, we aim to diversify the STEM workforce by taking a holistic approach at addressing challenges historically underrepresented students face in their education and career development.

Why join MESA?

MESA Scholars receive one-on-one and group support to help them reach their goals. Our program provides:

Who is Eligible for MESA?

  • ALL TCC SEM students! Although, we do have a target population that includes American Indian/Alaskan, Black/African American, Hispanic/LatinX, Native Hawaiian, and female identified.
  • First-generation college students
  • At an economic disadvantage
  • United States citizens, residents, DACA approved/eligible, HB1079/WASFA eligible, and undocumented students

  • Students who do not have a previous bachelor’s degree in any field

Apply to MESA today! Space is limited.

Fill out the online form today. When completed, click the "submit" button at the bottom of the form and follow the prompt to schedule an intake with the MESA Director. Intakes can be in-person (15-332) or Zoom. Please indicate via email if you prefer a Zoom intake.


Contact Us!

Dedicated MESA Center
Tacoma Community College
Bldg. 15, Room 330
Mon.-Thur. 8am-8:30pm; Fri. 8am-5:30pm

MESA Center (open to all students)
Tacoma Community College
Bldg. 15, Room 120
Mon.-Thur. 8am-8:30pm; Fri. 8am-5:30pm

Adrienne Scarcella, Director, MESA Program
Bldg. 15, Room 332